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Change Of Books Closure Date

BackFeb 18, 2004

Further to our earlier announcement today, the Company would like to announce a change of books closure date from 3 March 2004 to 6 March 2004. Registrable transfers received by the Company's share registrar M&C Services Private Limited of 138 Robinson Road #17-00, The Corporate Office, Singapore 068906, up to 5.00 pm on 5 March 2004 will be registered to determine shareholders' entitlements to the bonus issue.

The bonus shares, when allotted and issued, will rank pari passu in all respects with the existing ordinary shares of S$0.20 each in the capital of the Company. However, the bonus shares will not be entitled to the dividend to be paid on 17 March 2004, further to our announcement made on 13 February 2004.

By Order of the Board
HG Metal Manufacturing Limited

Foong Lee Heng, Jasmine
Company Secretary
18 February 2004