
Contact Info

28 Jalan Buroh
Singapore 619484

HG Metal Manufacturing Limited was founded in 1971 as a small retailer of steel products. Today, we are one of the leading steel stockists in Singapore, and arguably the first local steel stockist to provide state-of-the-art manufacturing capabilities.

At our extensive "one-stop supermarket" stockyard and manufacturing facility, we carry more than 2,000 types of steel products, of various dimensions and for a wide range of industrial and engineering applications. In addition, with over 30 years of experience in steel business, we are confident of meeting, and exceeding, our customers' requirements and expectations in steel products.

We source our steel products from cost efficient producers in Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, and other Eastern European countries. While our primary market is Singapore, we also export to Malaysia, Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries.

In 2000, the Group diversified into the manufacturing of steel products through our wholly owned subsidiary, Oriental Metals. We started with the manufacturing of customised flat steel bars and mild steel lip channels, commonly used as roofing support. In mid 2003, we expanded our manufacturing capacity to include pipes and hollow sections through the installation of a new pipe line. With enlarged manufacturing capabilities, HG Metal possesses a distinct advantage over our competitors - that of being more capable of and more completely equipped for fulfilling the customers' stringent requirements for steel products.

HG Metal Manufacturing Limited was listed on SESDAQ on 21 March 2002.