HG Metal Manufacturing Ltd - Annual Report 2014 - page 34

The ARC is also authorised to investigate any matter within its terms of reference and has full access
to and co-operation of the management and full discretion to invite any director or executive officer
to attend its meetings, and reasonable resources to enable it to discharge its functions properly. The
ARC meets annually with the internal auditors and the external auditors, without the presence of the
Company’s management to review the adequacy of audit arrangements, with particular emphasis
on the scope and quality of their audits, and the independence and objectivity of the internal and
external auditors.
The aggregate amount of fees paid or payable to the external auditors of the Company, broken down
into audit and non-audit services during the financial year ended 31 December 2014 are as follows:–
Audit fees: S$224,000
Non-audit fees: Nil
The ARC, having reviewed all services provided by the external auditors to the Group, is satisfied that
the nature and extent of such services would not affect the independence of the external auditors.
In the ARC’s opinion, Ernst & Young LLP is suitable for re-appointment and it has accordingly
recommended to the Board that Ernst & Young LLP be nominated for re-appointment as the external
auditor of the Company at the forthcoming AGM.
The Company is in compliance with Rule 712, Rule 715 and Rule 716 of the Listing Manual in relation
to its external auditor.
It is the Company’s practice for the external auditor to present to the ARC its audit plan and with
updates relating to any change of accounting standards impacting on the financial statements before
an audit commences. During the financial year under review, the changes in accounting standards
did not have any impact on the Group’s financial statements.
3.3 Whistle-Blowing Policy
The Group has adopted a constructive whistle-blowing policy and guideline in order to detect and
deter any fraud or deliberate error in the preparation, evaluation, review or audit of any financial
statement, financial reports and records of the Company.
Demonstrating its pledge to good corporate governance, the Group provides an avenue for employees
to bring their complaints responsibly to report any possible improprieties in matters of financial
reporting or other matters that they may encounter to the ARC or any other committees established by
the ARC for such purpose without fear of reprisal. The establishment of the whistle-blowing structure
also augments the Group’s ability to detect potential fraud, providing another level of comfort and
assurance to investors.
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