HG Metal Manufacturing Ltd - Annual Report 2014 - page 37

Moreover, our shareholders are encouraged to attend the AGM to ensure a high level of accountability
and to be updated on the Company’s strategies and goals. The Company’s Articles allow a
shareholder to appoint up to 2 proxies to attend a shareholder’s meeting on his behalf. The notice
of the AGM is sent to our shareholders, together with explanatory notes, appendices or a circular on
items of special business, at least 14 days before the meeting. The Chairmen of the ARC, NC and
RC are normally present and available to address questions relating to the work of their respective
committees at general meetings. Furthermore, the external auditors are present to assist our Board
in addressing any relevant queries by our shareholders.
Each item of special business included in the notice of the meeting is accompanied, where
appropriate, by an explanation for the proposed resolution. Separate resolutions are proposed for
substantially separate issues at the meeting.
In accordance with Rule 1207(19) of the Listing Manual issued by SGX-ST, the Company notifies
all employees that they are prohibited from trading in the Company’s shares one month prior to the
announcement of the Company’s full year results and 14 days before the announcement of the three
quarters of the Company’s financial results.
The Company has also issued a policy on insider trading to all employees which sets out the principles
of relevant laws relating to insider trading which are applicable at all times. The Company prohibits
its officers from dealing in the Company’ shares on short-term considerations or when they are in
possession of unpublished price-sensitive information.
The Company is required to comply with the requisite rules under Chapter 9 of the Listing Manual
issued by SGX-ST for interested person transactions. To ensure compliance with Chapter 9, the ARC
meets quarterly to review if the Company will be entering into an interested person transaction in
order to ensure that the interested person transactions are carried out on normal commercial terms
and will not prejudicial to the interests of the shareholders.
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