one (1) month immediately preceding the announcement of the Company’s annual results;
two (2) weeks immediately preceding the announcement of the Company’s quarterly results.
The Company is required under Rule 723 of the Listing Manual to ensure that at least ten per cent.
(10%) of its Shares are in the hands of the public. The “public”, as defined under the Listing Manual,
are persons other than the directors, chief executive officer, substantial shareholders or controlling
shareholders of the Company or its subsidiaries, as well as the associates of such persons.
Based on the Register of Directors’ Shareholdings and the Register of Substantial Shareholders
maintained by the Company as at the Latest Practicable Date, approximately 689,270,746 Shares,
representing 53.73 per cent. (53.73%) of the issued Shares (excluding treasury shares), are in the
hands of the public. Assuming that the Company purchases its Shares through Market Purchases
up to the full three per cent. (3%) limit pursuant to the Share Purchase Mandate, the number of
Shares in the hands of the public not taking into account treasury shares would be reduced to
650,785,128 Shares, representing 52.30 per cent. (52.30%) of the reduced total number of issued
Shares (excluding treasury shares). Accordingly, the Company is of the view that there is a sufficient
number of issued Shares held in the hands of the public which would permit the Company to
undertake purchases or acquisitions of its issued Shares up to the full three per cent. (3%) limit
pursuant to the proposed Share Purchase Mandate without affecting the listing status of the Shares
on the SGX-ST, and that the number of Shares remaining in the hands of the public will not fall to
such a level as to cause market illiquidity.
In undertaking any purchases or acquisitions of Shares through Market Purchases, the Directors will
use their best efforts to ensure that, notwithstanding such purchases, a sufficient float in the hands
of the public will be maintained so that the purchases or acquisitions of the Shares will not adversely
affect the listing status of the Shares on the SGX-ST, cause market illiquidity or adversely affect the
orderly trading of the Shares.
2.13 Previous Share Purchases
The Company has not purchased any Shares during the 12-month period preceding the Latest
Practicable Date.