Based on information in the Register of Substantial Shareholders maintained by the Company, as at
the Latest Practicable Date, the Substantial Shareholders and the number of Shares in which they
have an interest are as follows:
Direct Interest
Deemed Interest
Total Interest
Number of
Number of
Number of
Flame Gold
International Limited 284,050,000 22.14
– 284,050,000 22.14
Foo Sey Liang
– 284,050,000
22.14 284,050,000 22.14
SEAVI Advent
Investments Ltd
– 133,500,000
10.4 133,500,000 10.4
Teo Yi-Dar
– 133,500,000
10.4 133,500,000 10.4
Rise Capital
Ventures Ltd
80,100,000 6.24
– 80,100,000 6.24
Aung Tin Htut
6.24 80,100,000 6.24
Chye Hin Hardware
Pte. Ltd.
86,086,574 6.71
– 86,086,574 6.71
Yap Xi Ming
5,746,554 0.45
6.71 91,833,128 7.16
Tan Kim Seng
4,000,088 0.31
6.71 90,086,662 7.02
Based on total issued and paid-up ordinary share capital (excluding treasury shares) comprising
1,282,853,962 Shares as at the Latest Practicable Date.
Mr Foo Sey Liang is deemed to be interested in the 284,050,000 Shares held by Flame Gold International
Limited, by virtue of Section 7 of the Act.
SEAVI Advent Investments Ltd (“SEAVI”) is an investment holding company incorporated in the British
Virgin Islands. SEAVI is beneficially owned by SEAVI Advent Equity VI (Cayman) L.P. and Ocean Private
Equity III Fund Limited (collectively known as the “SEAVI Advent Funds”). The SEAVI Advent Funds are
private equity funds managed by SEAVI Advent Corporation Limited.
Mr Teo Yi-Dar is deemed to be interested in the 133,500,000 Shares held by Seavi Advent Investments
Ltd by virtue of Section 7 of the Act. SEAVI Advent Investments Ltd (“SEAVI”) is an investment holding
company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands. SEAVI is beneficially owned by SEAVI Advent Equity VI
(Cayman) L.P. and Ocean Private Equity III Fund Limited (collectively known as the “SEAVI Advent Funds”).
The SEAVI Advent Funds are private equity funds managed by SEAVI Advent Corporation Limited.
Aung Tin Htut is deemed to be interested in the 80,100,000 shares in the capital of the Company which
Rise Capital Ventures Ltd has an interest in, by virtue of Section 7 of the Act.
Yap Xi Ming holds approximately 33.33% in the share capital of Chye Hin Hardware Pte. Ltd. (“Chye Hin”)
and is therefore deemed interested in the 86,086,574 Shares held by Chye Hin by virtue of Section 7 of
the Act.
Tan Kim Seng holds approximately 25% in the share capital of Chye Hin and is therefore deemed interested
in the 86,086,574 Shares held by Chye Hin by virtue of Section 7 of the Act.